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Making Ceiling Signage Work – about Retractable Banners

Some of those factors, such as consistency and placement, are about the broad approach to signage. Other factors, such as production and message, are about the individual signs. All of these are important considerations.


Ceiling signage is part of the overall feel and identity of the store. The signs on display must be consistent with that identity. Choices in sign design (color, type size, type style, images etc.) must be planned rather than random; they must fit with other in-store choices, such as table-top signage, outdoor signage, type and price point of merchandise, and with out-of-store choices, such as advertisements and brochures. For example, a high-end clothing store would not likely choose garish neon-colored ceiling signs.


In the same way that sign design should be planned, so too should sign placement. Business owners should take the time to decide on the appropriate number of signs. With ceiling signage, the old adage “more is better” does not apply. Too many signs will only compete for customer attention and create distractions. Signs should be configured so that they do not block one another at any angle. The best way to accomplish this is to walk through the store once the signs are hung and see the overall placement as a customer would. Looking at signage from various vantage points will make it clear whether any repositioning is needed.


Ceiling signage can be used for a variety of purposes. Signs may give directions within the store. They may advertise a sale. They may promote new items in the store. Each individual sign, though, should focus on one purpose and convey one message. Once that single message is decided, it should be written in as few words as possible so that customers can read it quickly and easily. A good guideline to follow is to have a headline of one to five short words. If supporting information in needed, it can appear in a few words in smaller print below the headline. The message in ceiling signage should also be straightforward. Customers are often offended by signs that are misleading or leave out key information. One common example is sales signs that announce “$29.99” in large type but add “and up” in tiny type.


Since getting heavy signs hoisted to the ceiling on a rickety ladder is always a risky maneuver, business owners should invest in affordable, safe ceiling signage retractable systems.  This allows for quick and easy – but most importantly, safe – installation and changing of interior signage.

Retractable Banners or Ceiling Signage that Works  

Ceiling signs can help retailers persuade customers to make purchases once they are inside the store. A random approach to signs, though, reduces their effectiveness as sales tools. Business owners who take the time to focus on consistency, placement, production and message can create ceiling signage that works.


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